Bernard Demigny

Bernard Demigny(男歌手)

Ouverture (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
La femme dont le coeur reve (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Dialogue Eurydice - Orphée (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Dialogues Of The Gods And The Goddesses (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Il m´a semblé sur mon epaule (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Quand j´etais roi de Béotie (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
J´ai vu le Dieu Bacchus (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Dialogues Of The Gods And The Goddesses (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Vive le vin, vive Pluton (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Dialogue Eurydice - John Styx - Jupiter - Pluto (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
La mort m´apparait souriante (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Aux armes, Dieux et Demi - Dieux (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Qui je suis (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Bel insecte (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Il approche! (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Introduction (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Dialogue Eurydice - John Styx (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Pour séduire Alcmene la fière (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Dialogue Aristeus - Euredice, Pluto - Orpheus (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Maintenant je veux moi (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Ah! c´est ainsi! (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Viens, viens (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Dialogue Eurydice - Jupiter - Pluto - Orphee (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Ne regarde pas en arrière (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Dialogue Eurydice - John Styx - Jupiter - Pluto (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Dialogues Of The Gods (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Moi, je suis Aristée (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Dialogue Aristeus - Eurydice (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Dialogue Eurydice - Orphée (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》
Dormons, Dormons (Orpheus in the Underworld)《Orpheus in the Underworld》


